Course Details

Course Code: IT9099
Course Title: Thesis
Short Title:  
Course Level:: Level 9
Valid From:: 2023/2024 Sem 3
Credits:: 60
Owner: School of ICT
Assessment Method: Achievement
Course Aim

The Thesis course is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct independent research in the field of Artificial Intelligence and produce a high-quality research project. The course will cover research methodologies, project management, cloud deployment, research writing, and a research project.



On Completion of this course, the learner will be able to
# Learning Outcome Description
1 Apply the critical knowledge of theories and concepts in Artificial Intelligence to the approved research project.
2 Critically analyze and evaluate the research project, its results, and its contribution to the field of artificial intelligence, using advanced research skills and techniques.
3 Apply professional writing and presentation skills to effectively communicate the research project and its conclusions while adhering to the ethical and academic norms of artificial intelligence.
  • Pre Requisite: Completion of at least 90 credits at NQF Level 9 by the end of 2nd semester.
No Examinations
Other Controlled Assessments
Assessment Type
Project Demonstration
Uncontrolled Assessments
Assessment Type
Assessment Type

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

Affiliated Entities
Entity Code Entity Title Entity Version Entity Type
ICT9010 Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence 1 Programme
ICT9010 Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence 2 Programme