Course Details

Course Code: EN9002
Course Title: Energy and Environment Policymaking
Short Title:  
Course Level:: Level 9
Valid From:: 2023/2024 Sem 2
Credits:: 15
Owner: School of Engineering
Assessment Method: Achievement
Course Aim

The aim of this course is to foster a holistic understanding among engineering students of the interrelations between energy systems, environmental sustainability, and policy frameworks. Through an exploration of policy-making processes, regulatory instruments, and stakeholder dynamics, the course seeks to cultivate critical analysis skills, ethical awareness, and social responsibility, enabling students to adeptly navigate and contribute to the complex landscape of sustainable energy development within the context of political and environmental considerations.

On Completion of this course, the learner will be able to
# Learning Outcome Description
1 Understand the complex interactions between energy systems, environmental sustainability, and political dynamics, with a particular focus on the GCC/Bahrain context.
2 Evaluate energy policies and systems in the GCC/Bahrain, considering technological, environmental, economic, and political aspects.
3 Apply sustainable engineering principles to energy systems in the GCC/Bahrain, considering environmental impact, resource use, and the influence of politics and policy.
4 Conduct independent research and consider the ethical implications of energy policies and technologies.
No requisites
Assessment Type
Examination (Unseen)
Other Controlled Assessments
Assessment Type
Uncontrolled Assessments
Assessment Type
Project (Group/Individual)

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

Affiliated Entities
Entity Code Entity Title Entity Version Entity Type
ENT9010 Master of Science in Engineering (Applied) in Sustainable Energy Systems 1 Programme