Course Details

Course Code: IP6001
Course Title: Infection Prevention and Control Principles
Short Title: IPCA
Course Level:: Level 6
Valid From:: 2022/2023 Sem 1
Credits:: 20
Owner: Continuing Education
Assessment Method: Achievement
Course Aim

To provide students with the knowledge, the principles, and skills of infection prevention and control in accrordance to national, regional, and international standards.

On Completion of this course, the learner will be able to
# Learning Outcome Description
1 Demonstrate detailed knowledge of microbiology concepts and principles and the role of immune system in defense against infection.
2 Demonstrate detailed knowledge of quality IPC improvement programs considering quality improvement guidelines and standards for national, regional and international best practices.
3 Evaluate the progress of infectious disease by applying statistical and epidemiological basic and some advanced skills.
4 Plan and demonstrate safe environment for patients in all health care settings through application of infection control principles and practices.
No requisites
Assessment Type
Examination (Unseen)
Other Controlled Assessments
Assessment Type
Uncontrolled Assessments
Assessment Type
Blended Learning
Assessment Type
Project (Group)
Assessment Type
Project (Individual)

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

Affiliated Entities
Entity Code Entity Title Entity Version Entity Type
IPC6000 Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control 2 Programme