Course Details

Course Code: BU8703
Course Title: Performance Management Systems
Short Title: PMS
Course Level:: Level 8
Valid From:: 2019/2020 Sem 1
Credits:: 15
Owner: Business
Assessment Method: Achievement
Course Aim

The aim of this course is to enable students to develop an understanding of Performance Management and use theory and practice to enable the effective management of staff performance through the latest innovations in the field.                        

On Completion of this course, the learner will be able to
# Learning Outcome Description
1 Demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of processes, principles and techniques of Performance Management in a range of organisations.
2 Apply investigative techniques to research a current performance management issue, demonstrating a professional level of insight in recommending relevant solutions.
3 Recommend a Performance Management System for a given organization by adapting core theories, concepts and latest trends and techniques.
  • Pre Requisite: BU7700
  • Anti Requisite: BU7703
Assessment Type
Examination (Unseen)
Other Controlled Assessments
Assessment Type
Uncontrolled Assessments
Assessment Type
Project (Group)

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

Affiliated Entities
Entity Code Entity Title Entity Version Entity Type
BBS7070 Associate Degree in Business (HRM) 1 Programme
BBS8070 Bachelor of Business: Human Resource Management 3 Programme
BBS8070 Bachelor of Business: Human Resource Management 1 Programme