Course Details

Course Code: EN6804
Course Title: Civil Engineering Works Supervision
Short Title: Civil Engineering Supervision
Course Level:: Level 6
Valid From:: 2022/2023 Sem 2
Credits:: 15
Owner: School of Engineering
Assessment Method: Achievement
Course Aim

This unit introduces the learners to gain detailed knowledge, understanding and skills on civil engineering and construction works supervision. These includes knowledge on various civil engineering works and their functional requirements, skills on construction methods, lifecycle and different stages of civil engineering works, contractor's site organization; site supervising engineer's duties and responsibilities; project kick-off meeting; site enabling works; construction information; statutory documents; scope and programme of works; project specification; quality assurance and quality control, and develop skills in civil engineering works and construction supervision. Also undertake risk assessments, and how to report accidents and incidents in the construction workplace.







On Completion of this course, the learner will be able to
# Learning Outcome Description
1 Carry out risk assessment and control, reporting, and recording of accidents in a construction project.
2 Communicate between various members of the design and production teams
3 Supervise civil engineering and construction works.
No requisites
Assessment Type
Examination (Unseen)
No Other Controlled Assessments
Uncontrolled Assessments
Assessment Type
Project (Individual)
Assessment Type
Project (Individual)
Assessment Type
Project (Individual)

The institute reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment

Affiliated Entities
Entity Code Entity Title Entity Version Entity Type
ENT6080 Diploma in Engineering Technology (Civil) 1 Programme
ENT7080 Associate Degree in Engineering Technology (Civil) 1 Programme
ENT8080 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil) 1 Programme