Non-EDICT Electives

Group Details

Title Non-EDICT Electives
Credits 15
Group Effective Date 2022/2023 Sem 3
Group Faculty Bahrain Polytechnic

Structure of the Group

Credits Courses
Core or Stream Title Description Min Max AND/OR Min Max
Elective Non-EDICT Electives Select any available course at NQF level 5 or above, that does not originate from Faculty of EDICT Course code must not start with IT, WM, VC, FA, EN to indicate that it is not a Faculty Elective. An exception to the above applies for students who are registered in one of the below minors:
Minor in Data Mining MDM8040
Minor in Control Systems MCS8000
Minor In Web Media Design MWM8000
Minor in 3D Design MVD6010
Those students can select one of the EDICT faculty courses specified within the group.
15 15 and 0 0


Year 2 / Semester 1 & 2

Course Code Title
EN6080 Alternating Current ( AC ) Circuit theory
EN7061 Analogue Electronic Circuits
IT6005 Database Systems 1
WM6002 Internet & Multimedia Technology 1
IT6010 Maths for Computing
VC7300 Visual Design V: Sustainable Design
WM6003 Web Design

Year 3 / Semester 1 & 2

Course Code Title
WM7002 3D Modeling and Animation 1
WM8005 Advanced Design for the Web
EN8231 Control System Design
IT8416 Data Mining
IT7005 Database Systems 2
EN7230 Instrumentation and Automatic Control
VC7908 Package Design

Other Staff

No other staff on this group