Diploma in Information and Communications Technology

Faculty of EDICT (Engineering,Design and ICT)
Programme Title (Arabic) الدبلوم في تقنية المعلومات والإتصالات
Acronym / Abbreviation* DipICT
Nature Exit Qualification
Programme Code ICT6010 Programme Duration 2 Year/Cycle Programme Level Level 6
Programme Credits 240 Award Category Diploma
Effective From 2022/2023 Sem 2 as of ( February 2025 )
Owner School of ICT
Professional Body
Professional Body Recognition Status Effective From Interim Date Professional Bodies Contact Person Evidence
Employability Skills Yes 04/01/2021        
Target Groups*
High School Graduates
International Students
Qualification Completion Requirements Criteria

Awarded where candidates have met all of the requirements below:

  • Successful completion of, or exemption from, all courses listed in Schedule A below

  • Accumulation of 30 credits from courses in ICT Diploma Optional Group

  • Accumulation of 5 credits from National Requirements Group- Arabic

  • 15 credits of elective at level 6 and above

  • Completion of 60 days of work experience


  • Completion of courses to accumulate a minimum of 240 credits from any Bahrain Polytechnic Qualification;

Programme Overview*

The Diploma in ICT Qualification is designed and delivered in order to provide work-ready graduates. The graduates will acquire advanced technical knowledge in their respective fields, specialized practical skills and valuable employability skills that will allow them to work in roles such as ICT technicians/developers/administrators in Bahrain.

The Diploma in ICT is delivered over a 2-year period consisting of 4 semesters and 60 days of industrial placement. Students are expected to take 60 credits on average per semester and thus at the completion of their studies they should have accumulated a total of 240 credits. In those 240 credits, there exist 30 credits of English courses and the remaining 210 credits are taken from Core and Specialized ICT Courses and National Requirement Courses. Additionally, the students are required to complete a total of 60 work placement days. 

Entry and Selection*

General entry requirements such as secondary school achievements, English and Mathematics are described in the Student Admission Policy A/AB/010. Specific entry requirements for this qualification, beyond those described in the Student Admission Policy are as follows:

Applicants must demonstrate competence in English and in mathematics. These requirements may be met by:

  • The successful completion of
    • AP4203 English 2
    • AP4101 Mathematics 2 (General) or similar
  • or  passing English and Mathematics Selection Tests at the required level.
Selection and Criteria and Process*

Where there are more applicants who meet the programme entry criteria than can be accepted, the following shall be used:

Selection Criteria

Preference will be given to students who have successfully completed the Foundation programmes at Bahrain Polytechnic and have clearly demonstrated an aptitude for ICT and a commitment to their study.

Results from programme entry tests will be used to select students with the highest likelihood of successfully completing the degree programme.

Selection Process

Applicants may be required to attend an interview.

Consideration of work experience and prior educational achievement may be used.

Major Selection Criteria*

Not applicable 

Accreditation / External Approval Requirements*

The BICT degrees received accreditation by BCS, The Chartered Institute of IT in 2022. 

In the next cycle of accreditation (after 5 years from the review date) the School will bring forward the Diploma of ICT for accreditation subject to eligibility.

Attendance Requirements*

Institutional attendance requirements are described in the policy Student Attendance A/AB/006. There are no programme specific attendance requirements.

Qualification Overview*

The qualification encompasses an initial four semesters full-time study in the broad ICT disciplines at NQF levels 6 and 7, accompanied by experience in industry through a 60 days placement.  The intention is to build up core knowledge in a range of areas including networking, operating systems, databases and design techniques in addition to programming. 

Qualification Aim*

The programme aims to develop work-ready, skilled ICT technicians/administraros/developers who are aware of the legal, ethical and professional standards required to work both regionally and internationally. ICT technicians will have an awareness of the latest ICT techniques and technologies to be flexible in the work place and adaptable in a rapidly changing field. The qualification also aims to expose graduates to a number of technologies, introducing them to professional certification routes that will further enhance their knowledge and specialisation.

Graduate Pathways and Destination*

Upon graduation from this qualification, graduates may fill one of the following positions:

  • Implementation Technician

  • Develop and Test specialists (software)

  • Technical support associate

  • Cisco Certified Technician

  • IT Administrator

Graduates from the Diploma in ICT who wish to continue their studies may apply to any university for admission into their programme according to their admission criteria. The diploma graduates will be accepted in the BICT programs of Bahrain Polytechnic if they complete at least 1 year of professional experience in a relating field. For an ICT diploma holder, it is common practice for a university to accept a student into the 3rd year of a similar domain’s Bachelor degree.

Other Information*

Employability Skills Generic Definition:

Communication Communicate in ways that contribute to productive and harmonious relationships across employees and customers.
Team work Work effectively independently and in collaboration with others.
Problem solving Think critically and respond appropriately to changing needs within a growing and diversifying economy.
Initiative and enterprise Apply resourcefulness, innovation and strategic thinking to a range of workplace situations.
Planning and organisation Plan and manage their working lives.
Self management Demonstrate self discipline and adaptability, and be able to plan and achieve personal and professional goals.
Learning Understand the need for and engage with continuous learning throughout the lifespan.
Technology Utilize information technology effectively and ethically in their personal and professional lives.

Programme Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this programme the learner will be able to :

Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of the latest Information and Communications Technology systems and techniques. (Generic)
Recognize the professional, moral, and ethical issues involved in exploiting computer technology and be guided by appropriate professional, ethical and legal practices in a Bahrain context. (Generic)
Demonstrate knowledge of techniques for software requirements analysis (Specific)
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of hardware infrastructure (Specific)
Demonstrate knowledge of core Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN) concepts. (Specific)
Recognize where database systems fit into the structure of a modern information system. (Specific)
Create or implement appropriate Information and Communications Technology systems from design documents. (Generic)
Document system for a range of audiences. (Generic)
Use advanced level skills to effectively manage and maintain existing systems. (Generic)
Follow best practice, industry standards, professional ethics, diagram designing, programming and documentation conventions during the programming process (Specific)
Use database query languages to store, retrieve and manipulate data. (Specific)
Design and build a network using LAN and WAN technologies. (Specific)
Practice as a Professional using 21st Century Skills

Semester Schedules

Year 1 / Semester 1

Course Code Title
IT6001 Computer Systems
EL6001 English for EDICT 3
IT6010 Maths for Computing
IT6004 Unix Systems

Year 1 / Semester 2

Course Code Title
IT6008 Computer Programming 1
IT6005 Database Systems 1
EL6002 English for EDICT 4
IT6003 Networks and Data Communications

Year 2 / Semester 1

Course Code Title
GS5102 Introduction to Human Rights - Labour Rights
IT6011 Introduction to Information Security
GS5103 Modern Economic History of Bahrain
IT7001 Systems Analysis and Design
IT6012 Web Fundamentals
Course Code Title
NR-Arabic National Requirements- Arabic

Year 2 / Semester 2

Course Code Title
ED7000 Applied Project
Course Code Title
ICTDip-Optional ICT Diploma Optional
Course Code Title
ELE1 Electives 1

Year 2 / Semester 3

Course Code Title
IT0001 ICT Industry Placement (Diploma)